
my name is WUH my name is WUH

sooo, i feel really awkward about this...i play with babies for a living, or rather, I study them. Upon first embracing this blogsite, I accidentally went to our cloan website - bananasfoster.blogspot.com and posted a comment there, thinking I was commenting on valerie's post...but I was wrong. Not giving up, though, I've finally joined the ranks at 1014 Foster with this inaugural paragraph. Other facts about me:
born in mississippi but raised in good ole cs
currently reading Harry Potter 6 in preparation for the deathly hallows and have blessid union of souls in my cd player
saw the nancy drew movie this summer three times
love, love, love blue baker
Live at the Infant Cognition Lab of TAMU
teach 4-year-old Sunday school
favorite Bible verse : Isaiah 41:13
have an almost-17-year-old sister and a 19-year-old brother

I'm excited about our house blog! :) yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHOA is that Prof. Trelawney I see in the picture?!