
I just noticed!

You guys found Sterling's blog...

He hasn't updated in quite a while. Landscape Architecture (summer school version) is pretty much keeping him up with projects till 4 a.m. He'll be fine.

If you want to look at some of his webcomics:



I can't stand:

People who mistreat animals
the sound of nail filing
being late
people who only own abercrombie, american eagle, and hollister clothes
(I can't say anything about slow driving...I am the slow driver)
However, being in the right lane at a light, and not turning right! Come on people!!
and finally....

roommates who throw up in my toilet after their party...

Yikes! :)

When slow traffic doesn't keep right...
The terrible maps created by meteorologists on the local news (hire a GEOGRAPHER!)...
Not taking a good friendship seriously...
immaturity with alcohol....
and my BIGGEST pet peeve....blaming/accusing me of something I didn't do!


i hate it when....

people don't drive properly

people don't do what they say they'll do

stupid people have stupid questions

the retail industry doesn't have good customer service

those are just a couple.

your errrcking on my nerves...

here we go...
people who always want you to entertain them when they are bored
giving bad directions
putting more syrup in the syrup container
always obessing about anderson cooper
worrying about our carbon footprint
criticizing weather maps
names that start with d

no but really...
bad drivers (including not using blinkers)
when people chew on ice in class
constant dripping

there are probably more but i can't think of any right now.

(didi- i was just messing with you)


Pet Peeves

Ok, now for another challenge....What is your pet peeve? Feel free to name several :) I know I have quite a few...


Would you rather...

well, i'd really like going to England/Scotland because people speak english there and i love jane austen...

however, since people have already mentioned there, i don't want you to think i'm completely trite and devoid of creativity...so i'd also like to go to Italy...although i think i'd most like to go to New England in the fall to see all the colored leaves :)

only in my dreams....

I would love to visit India.

In during my undergrad & recently this past semester I did a fair amount of reading and learning about India, and well, I think India is a fascinating country.

Delhi, Mumbai, Bollywood, the food, history.

thats where I want to go.



I think I would definetly backpack through Scotland with a group
of friends. See Loch Ness and where my great grandfather grew up. We still have a 90 year old aunt there. I'd definetly bring back our tartan and some sort of bagpipe cd :).

My cousin brought me back water from Loch Ness, which I would definetly want to see. There are also tons of castles there that would be fun to take a look at and I'd like to see the historical sites of Rob Roy and William Wallace.

The MacGregor tartan-->



My friend, Claire, and I have already decided to backpack through Europe sometime soon. We would stay in hostiles and ride the trains to each country. I've already been to London, England and Wales on mission and I never wanted to leave. I especially love the difference in the European atmosphere. Creativity thrives in musical tones on every street and the food is new, exciting.
I would really enjoy going to Germany, because I am of German heritage (Marks. My grandparents names on my mother's side are Kizer.) Plus, I hear Germany is really clean. Wienerschnitzel, anyone?

dream vacation

this is a hard question to answer. i think that if i could go anywhere, i would go to italy. now we all know that alisha is an italian hot mama, but that isn't why i want to go to italy. i just think there are some really cool things there.

of course part of the main reason why i would want to visit there would be for the amazing food. but there are other cool things to see while you are in italy...

i know that the vatican isn't actually in italy but it's close enough


ok, time for another challenge

ok. so everyone did an awesome job with the last challenge. but i hope that you all can meet the next one.

if you could go anywhere (on vacation, adventure?), where would you go and what would you do? and why?

ok. go.


Harry Potter fever!

Well, its reading day at the Foster abode. We all received the final installment of the brillantly written Harry Potter series last night at the Midnight Magic hosted at Barnes & Noble.

We all, including friends, debuted their love and support of all things Harry Potter & magic.

Didi & I made iron-on shirts supporting the Weasly twins: Fred & George.
Laci was Dobby the house-elf.
Tracy was Professor Trelawny

Confessions: I stayed up until 3am reading and then woke up around 7:30 to continue the journey with Harry, Ron & Hermione.

There are no spoilers in this post...i would never think to ruin anyone's reading experience by revealing the creative genius of JK Rowling.

It was a good read, and I'll definitely read it again. Yes, im one of those weird people who like to read books over...

I was mad at the bad parts , grieved over some unexpected character deaths & was happy with the ending.

Its kinda sad that the Wizarding world will no longer continue.
These books are so wonderfully written, as the reader you feel like you're a friend & a part of the characters lives'..you feel their pain & joy right along with them.

The Deathly Hallows is one of my top 3 favorite HP books.

*mischief managed*

Hmmm...what to write about?

Hey Everyone!
I'm Kathy and I'm coming to the house!
It's really great to get to know everyone before we meet in the Fall. You guys all seem like alot of fun!
About me:
I'll be an entering Junior in Mays Business School in Fall, studying marketing. I study alot, but if "The Office" just so happens to distract me...I'm there.
I love to cook Italian food so I'm really excited about our big, beautiful kitchen!
My boyfriend of 4 years is a web cartoonist/landscape artist, so I frequently get my life portrayed in his weekly comics. He also makes awesome modern art paintings that I may be moving in with me.
I love reading (currently The Fountainhead), then onto Crime and Punishment.
College Station has such cheap movie prices how can you not be a fanatic. Go Transformers! Although, my personal favorite movies are musicals.

If I think of anything else to reveal about myself, I'll update this post!
Can't wait to meet all of you!


where in the world is...valerie blakey?

so i have be spendin my time this week in canton, mississippi - doing a film camp. and even though normally it's pretty hectic, this week has been pretty low key. thats even with another group of kids running around and a historical marker presentation. but i thought i would share some pictures i took during the shoot yesterday. i hope you enjoy and i can't wait to be back in the metroplex of bryan/college station.


Going Green!

I think its soooo awesome that this house is going GREEN! From learning about our carbon footprint, to consciously reducing it, recycling and riding our bikes! Its quite exciting! WE are the generation that will make the DIFFERENCE! :) So don't forget we have the trashcans just outside our back door (If you have good aim, you don't even have to step outside, I've tried it). Our back porch is going to be even more awesome (once we find the beams) and put in our bike hooks. As I was going through the old "Self" magazines Jessie gave me, I found an interesting article on Global Warming, which has been a hot topic of conversation in the house as of late. Check it out, I put it on the special spot on the fridge reserved for interesting roomate tidbits, awesome grades, cool maps (Valerie and I) have made etc.


my name is WUH my name is WUH

sooo, i feel really awkward about this...i play with babies for a living, or rather, I study them. Upon first embracing this blogsite, I accidentally went to our cloan website - bananasfoster.blogspot.com and posted a comment there, thinking I was commenting on valerie's post...but I was wrong. Not giving up, though, I've finally joined the ranks at 1014 Foster with this inaugural paragraph. Other facts about me:
born in mississippi but raised in good ole cs
currently reading Harry Potter 6 in preparation for the deathly hallows and have blessid union of souls in my cd player
saw the nancy drew movie this summer three times
love, love, love blue baker
Live at the Infant Cognition Lab of TAMU
teach 4-year-old Sunday school
favorite Bible verse : Isaiah 41:13
have an almost-17-year-old sister and a 19-year-old brother

I'm excited about our house blog! :) yay!

word up!

I'm Valerie. I am a 5th year senior Geography major. The past four years of my student life have been spent in a uniform (in the Corps). So I am really excited about living in a house and riding my bike to school.

I love A&M and all the traditions, and basically just enjoy being an Aggie.

I have been known to make a video every now and then. At one point I worked with the athletic department helping with the jumbotron and things of that sort.

I like to travel, hang out with friends, and do things that make me seem cool.

I have an obession with The Office. I think it is the best show on television right now. I can't wait for the new season and the dvd release of season 3.

Right now I work at the International Programs for Students office in Bizzel Hall West. It's not quite like The Office, but there are some similarities.

I really enjoy playing ulitmate frisbee, slacklining (i can't wait to get my line up), and rock climbing. Didi drags me along with her to do field work and that's when I really feel like I am learning something about geography.

I share the big room with Lombardi and give her crap all the time. But we're still friends so it's all good.


Hellooo! I'm Didi (the one on the left with my awesome roomate Jessie who will soon be moving into the house next door! Yay!). I am a Geography graduate student hoping to graduate in either December or May (depending on how things pan out in the end....)

I'm a hard core environmentalist and am doing research on how dams affect sediment transport along rivers. By the way, we are now recycling not ONLY just plastic at the Foster House, but GLASS and ALUMINUM as well! (AWESOME). Check out the cool trash cans just right outside our back door! (Also don't forget to conserve energy and use our clothes line!) As Alisha said, global warming is serious.

I enjoy watching movies and hanging out with my roomies. I currently am on an NSF fellowship where I teach the middle school and high school kiddos about geography and spatial thinking. After I graduate I hope to move on to my PhD in Oregon (if I get funding) and eventually become a professor.

I did a lot of travelling this year, so here are a few pics:

Me and Nikki at the Iwo Jima statue in D.C.

Megan and Injeong checking out San Francisco.

Cruising the Carribbean with Gina, Michelle and Noelle.

Biking in Pennsylvania with Dawna and Kevin.


I am the oldest roommie. :o)
I will be a non-degree seeking grad student at Texas A&M in the fall.

I share the master bedroom of the Foster Ave pad with Valerie.

I was born in Houston, pretty much raised in College Station.

I graduated from A&M in 2005 with a BA in International Studies and returned last year to hopefully graduate in Dec '08 from East Carolina University with a Master's in International Studies. (I'll be finishing up online)..I was in North Carolina this past year...read here about my adventures there!

Anyways, back to me.
I work as a quasi personal assistant at a daycare & will be driving the wonderful children of College Station to and from school when it starts back up.

I love reading, and am always up for an adventure-which is why i like traveling.
I'm a closet nerd..I love school & learning.
I think global warming is serious.
I love brownies & cakes..really anything sweet.
I'm super fickle about what clothes I'm wearing.
I lose my keys all the time...basically i'm alot forgetful.

I'm currently attending Living Hope & am really excited about starting to serve in the fall.

My future plans involved paying off student loans and working in the international programming field after graduation.

thats me.



Ok, so the first challenge I give to each of the roommates is to post an entry about yourself so we can get to know each other just a little bit better! So post away!