hard to tell stories online instead of in person - but how bout a personalized challenge: Valerie, who's your favorite psychology major?
another challenge...
ok, so the first week of the semester is almost over...
let us know what you are the most excited about this semester (a class, working/finishing a thesis, friends, living in foster) and how the week has been or any other crazy stories you might have from the first week.
let us know what you are the most excited about this semester (a class, working/finishing a thesis, friends, living in foster) and how the week has been or any other crazy stories you might have from the first week.
YAY DIDI!!!!!!
She's done......
....at least with her first draft!
I thought this classic would be a good choice :o)
yay for super smart roomies who write 80+ page thesises!!
....at least with her first draft!
I thought this classic would be a good choice :o)
yay for super smart roomies who write 80+ page thesises!!
okay, answering post, i don't like thinking about roaches and bugs and rodents, i had a friend in high school who had a pet rat, which i thought was grosso. Little hamsters can be cute, though, in fact, in elementary school, it was all the rage for a while to buy the little toy hamsters/mice from the pet store that are normally used as cat toys. they were so cute and cuddly though! anyhow, i wouldn't pretend one of those were my pet today...i do like cats like my parents have, they have personality and are so cute :) but i like them living outdoors, i like animals as long as they don't invade my personal space. and these aren't actually reptiles, as mentioned in the post, but i like turtles...especially since their name begins with t like mine. bugs are a no-go, i had a roach crawl on my shoulder/back while i was lying in bed this past year...eew.
okay, lunch with anyone? that's super hard. i'll go with Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India, and Encyclopedia Brown.
okay, lunch with anyone? that's super hard. i'll go with Amy Carmichael, a missionary to India, and Encyclopedia Brown.
a new challenge....
if you could eat lunch with anyone ever (in history, in fanatsyland, alive, dead) who would it be.
(tracy i beat you to it)
(tracy i beat you to it)
bugs, animals, creatures, oh my!!!
so i don't know if you guys knew but there was a wasp net on our porch. alisha killed it with some wasp spray, so whoop! for her.
yeah i am not a big fan of anything unhuman. i mean i can deal with it (really when they are in their enviroment) but when they are in mine you better believe they are going to die. that doesn't mean i am going to kill peoples pets or any animal for that matter, i was referring to bugs. i am not a big fan of animals either but i can handle them i just don't want one. i think they are too much work and money.
yeah i am not a big fan of anything unhuman. i mean i can deal with it (really when they are in their enviroment) but when they are in mine you better believe they are going to die. that doesn't mean i am going to kill peoples pets or any animal for that matter, i was referring to bugs. i am not a big fan of animals either but i can handle them i just don't want one. i think they are too much work and money.
: (
oh where oh where is my little gnome friend? i'm starting to get very worried about him - i thought he was going to play the game again, but i'm no so sure now... has anyone seen him?
i think you know what i think

okay, so if you're in my inner circle of friends, you probably know that i hate animals.
the only conditions for me owning a pet (besides a beta fish) are the following:
1. i meet & marry a boy who already has one
meaning: he owns A dog-no reptiles, cages, excessive cleaning required.
2. its free
so you see, there are not many circumstances in which i will have my own pet.
okay, the reasons i dont like pets is because they dont reciprocate. all your time, money & effort seemed to be wasted. for something that demands so much time, care, attention, etc. i'd rather be investing in a person. in addition, i think im semi allergic. other people's pets are fine though :o)
back to the animals
Yes, God created them. Yes they are cute & cuddly..but i leave them to the animal lovers & vets. Zoos are depressing places. All those sad looking animals, caged, not in their natural habitat environment. I will say that animals in the wild are so cool...they are free, their own responsibilities.
Bugs...deserve their own space.
I'm not afraid of them. i'm not in love with them.
Reptiles are too mysterious & dangerous for me..snakes, spiders, alligators...yikes!
okay, so thats my take on the creppy, crawly, cute & cuddly.
peace, alisha
kathy's kurtains
okay so the big window is 56in long X 70in wide
and the smaller one is 56 in long X 34in wide.
cant wait to see & meet ya!
when will you be here?
love, alisha
and the smaller one is 56 in long X 34in wide.
cant wait to see & meet ya!
when will you be here?
love, alisha
Hey everyone!
I know I need to buy curtains for my room, but I don't have the dimensions. Could someone measure both windows for me?
I know I need to buy curtains for my room, but I don't have the dimensions. Could someone measure both windows for me?
EEK! Jessie, grab the broom!!!!
Ok, so I admit, I have killed my fair share of insects. I'm ok if they're enjoying the outdoors, but I'd rather not share a bedroom/bathroom or anything else with them....So we've had a few incidences (pre- the wonderful people at ENTEC spraying our house and lawn down) where we've had a few screams. But alas, what would we have done without those brave souls (namly Tracy) that were able to save us all, dustpan/broom/papertowel in hand. So I don't mind the amount we pay to get our house hosed down...
Cuddly things I love....Even rodents that some tend to think of as a nuisance: mice, squirrels etc. And I even love the possum we use to see in our back yard. I wonder where she is off to now...perhaps vacationing in Barcelona?
As for reptiles...I can't really say, I guess I'm up in the air about it. I don't hate them by any means, but I don't love them. They are a necessary part of our ecosystems. (OK, so are the insects but...yuk...) And I have taken a very strong liking to Mortemer the toad that comes out of hiding in the rainy season by our front door as well as the snails around that time of year (pic is of one on our porch railing). Sadly, I think the snails dissapear after the ENTEC guy stops by......
As an aside: The prof at Kentucky that could potentially be my advisor was wearing a shirt that said at the top "Homeland Security" Then had a painting of some Native Americans on horses. Then underneath that it said "Fighting Terrorism since 1492". Some food for thought.....
post challenge for the week per alisha
the internal house discussion or blog dialouge is...drum roll please...
pet peeves or am i just a crank
i was thinking about the notion of having pet peeves, and the thing is, sometimes i can think of lots of things that bug me, or my "pet peeves," and other times, i'm like, hmm, i can't think of any pet peeves of mine, though i know i have some...
so are they really pet peeves or just reflections of what kind of mood i'm in...or what kind of person I am...because maybe if i come up with a lot of pet peeves, i'm just being a whiner, a grumbler and a complainer, like we're told not to do in...Galatians? actually, i think it's Philippians. Maybe having pet peeves is just a symptom of living too cushy a life and taking for granted all the amazing resources and blessings that I've been given. Nevertheless, there's no instant transformation here - here's a few of my pet peeves.
not getting a little respect from people
lack of work ethic
when people act all sweet and then talk bad behind your back (or someone else's back)
using a credit card for a purchase under 2 bucks because I have absolutely no cash
getting charged a dollar a day for turning in a library movie late
so are they really pet peeves or just reflections of what kind of mood i'm in...or what kind of person I am...because maybe if i come up with a lot of pet peeves, i'm just being a whiner, a grumbler and a complainer, like we're told not to do in...Galatians? actually, i think it's Philippians. Maybe having pet peeves is just a symptom of living too cushy a life and taking for granted all the amazing resources and blessings that I've been given. Nevertheless, there's no instant transformation here - here's a few of my pet peeves.
not getting a little respect from people
lack of work ethic
when people act all sweet and then talk bad behind your back (or someone else's back)
using a credit card for a purchase under 2 bucks because I have absolutely no cash
getting charged a dollar a day for turning in a library movie late
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